Quantitative Feed Restriction On Broiler Chickens; Effect On The Growth Performance And Carcass Characteristics
The Research on; Quantitative Feed Restriction On Broiler Chickens; Effect On The Growth Performance And Carcass Characteristics was carried out by NWABUZOR CHUKWUEMEKA.
Basic Knowledge of Management Functions in Agriculture
Management Functions – Basically, the management functions include planning, implementation and control. These are usually considered to be the three primary functions of management.
Managerial Effectiveness | Factors Affecting Managerial Effectiveness
Managerial effectiveness is measured by the degree at which the manger achieves his business objectives. The difficulty in this type of measure is that of finding an objective measurement instrument.
The Steps For Setting of Business Objectives
Setting of Business Objectives in Agriculture is very important. The first move of the farm manager is to establish the goals and objectives of the business. Whoever owns the business sets the goals and objectives. If it is a business…
What is Farm Management | Important & Problem of Farm Management

INTRODUCTION TO FARM MANAGEMENT In order to appreciate the principles of farm management, it is important to first of all understand what a farm is and then the concept of management.
GAME FARMING | Importance & Advantages of Game Animals
Definion of GAME FARMING, Game is any animal hunted for food or not normally domesticated. Game animal are also hunted for sport. The type and range of animals hunted for food vanes in different parts of
Bush Meat Processing Methods for Human Consumption
Bush Meat Processing Methods are simply the methods for processing Bush meat in order to to avoid contamination of the meant. This is the proper way bush meat needed to be processed for human consumption.